Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Membahas H2 Math (Latihan UEE NTU dan NUS)


Sesuai yang dijanjikan sebelumnya, saya bakal post tentang contoh soal H2 Math.
            Apa sih H2 Math?
            Jadi, H2 Math itu Matematika yang diajarkan di Junior College Singapura (setara SMA di Indonesia). Kok namanya bukan A-Level? Iya, sebenarnya ini memang setara dengan A-Level, hanya saja Ministry of Education-nya Singapura memodifikasi soalnya lagi supaya lebih berbobot. Jadilah H2 Math. H2 Math sendiri adalah lanjutan dari H1 Math, jadi anggapannya H2 Math lebih advanced dari H1 Math.
Materinya banyak yang berbeda dari materi di SMA Indonesia, misalkan saja di sana sudah diajarkan complex number, sedangkan kita belum. Cara pengerjaannya juga berbeda. Di Indonesia, matematikanya tentang hafal rumus. Di Singapura, kebanyakan soal matematika pertanyaannya hanya: “Show that … equals to ….” Murid dituntut untuk menggunakan logika, bukan sekadar hafal rumus. Apa ini menunjukkan kurikulum Indonesia tertinggal dengan kurikulum luar negeri? Bisa saja. Mungkin hal ini bisa jadi bahan introspeksi bagi pemerintah, tidak hanya menjadikan kurikulum sebagai alat politik. *no offense*
Jadi, begitulah pengantarnya. Sekarang saya bahas beberapa soal. Lumayan, bisa jadi soal latihan UEE NTU dan NUS. From now on, I’m using English, since you have to do the test, i.e. NTU and/or NUS’s UEE, in English, too. Well, you have to be used to it, otherwise you would struggle in doing the test.
PS:  I DO NOT own the question. All credit goes to mathdistinction.com. However, I worked on the solution by myself. I did it on Microsoft Word and used snipping tool.
Question 1

You can see that you are going to be told about the marks of each question.
            Let’s go straight to the problem.
            Analysis Step
            Look at the first inequality. Well, how should I solve this problem? Do I have to multiply each side by x-2? Or do I have to subtract x+1 from each side?
            Be aware. I said, BE AWARE.
            On the first glance, I know you would be tempted to multiply each side by x-2. But, you don’t know whether x-2 is a negative number or not. If it is negative, then you have to change the inequality sign. If it is not, then you do not have to.
            Such a gambling, isn’t it?
            So, the most righteous way to do this is to subtract x+1 from each side.
            “Working on the problem” Step
As I told before.

Almost done, folks. Just add here and subtract there.

The minus sign annoys me, so I multiply each side by -1. The sign changes from “greater than or equal to” to “less than or equal to”. Then, factorise.

From here on, use sign test. I’m sure you’ve learned it in your Senior High.
Before advancing, I want you to look at the denominator. The sign is a “less than or equal to”. But, since you cannot have zero at the denominator, you have to change it a little bit. ONLY for x-2, it has to be a strict inequality, not a weak inequality. By all means, you do not include 2 in the sign test.

See? The circle for 2 is hollow while the other circles are solid. I did this to distinct strict inequality and weak inequality.
As we need the negative result, the set of values of x are:

Let’s move to the second part.
When you see “hence”, then you do not have to think too far from your previous solution.

It seems like you have to work from scratch, but don’t!
There is an easier way to solve this.
Remember the first inequality?

Just replace x with 1/x.

Then, it is just algebra thing. We get the second inequality.
From the first solution, replace x with 1/x, again.

This is just a recriprocal business. When you change 1/x to x again, keep in mind that the sign has to be REVERSED.


Ya, jadi itu soal tentang pertidaksamaan. Untuk mengerjakan pertidaksamaan, kita hanya perlu berlatih dan berlatih.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Pengalaman UEE NTU (+Pengumuman)


            WARNING: I’m gonna write in English, as I need myself getting used to writing in English. Hope you can grasp the meaning of this post.
            Nanyang Technological University (NTU) is a Singapore public government university, besides  National University of Singapore (NUS) and Singapore Management University (SMU). Yes, since Singaporean appreciate merit, these kind of public universities are more reputable than private ones (e.g. SIM, PSB, James Cook) *no offense*. If you’re admitted by one of them, in this case NTU (because I’m only talking about NTU in this post), then I guess you must be smart enough. The reason why NTU only pick the best ones is because their rank in QS World University is… ah, I can’t tell. Go look up for it in Google, and you’ll find yourself astonished.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Pengalaman UEE NUS: Greget!


Maaf beberapa bulan ini saya nggak nge-post di blog, karena sempat terhanyut oleh rutinitas *halah. Oke, jadi intinya ini posting pertama sejak Oktober 2015. Lama banget, ya? Iya, memang. Jadi, langsung saja saya cerita.

Bagi yang belum tahu, NUS itu singkatan dari National University of Singapore. Lokasinya di pusat kota (downtown) Singapura, bisa dibilang strategis. Kayaknya keren gitu, kan? Iya, memang, secara universitas ini menduduki peringkat 12 di QS World University Ranking (ceknya sih pada 18 Februari 2016, jadi bisa saja besok-besok peringkatnya berubah).

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Anak Rumahan


Site di kilang minyak ini sudah kutempati selama setahun terakhir. Namun, akhirnya aku bisa libur beberapa minggu. Kabur dari rutinitas. Kupandangi cerobong-cerobong yang mirip rokok raksasa itu dari jarak yang agak jauh, dengan sedikit asap kelabu yang menggelitiki bagian dalam hidungku. Pekerjaan ini juga merupakan rumahku. Sejak awal masuk kerja. Sayangnya, baru kusadari kalau ini rumah kedua, bukan rumah pertama.
            Sekarang saatnya pulang. Pacarku pasti rindu. Rasanya sedih sudah meninggalkannya.
luvne.com resepkuekeringku.com desainrumahnya.com yayasanbabysitterku.com